Hank is my MTC spy. Because he works there he can access where every missionary is at every part of the day. Today he found out that Daniel was eating lunch 1pm, so he joined him: here's the news. Daniel's companion seems really cool. His name is Mark Zimbelman. He is a multi-media major which is basically a film major at UVSC and he works for a production company..just like Daniel! he's from Provo. Here are some quotes from Daniel "Hank you've been home from your mission for four years right? You did it and now you're home, I think I can do it", "Once I start enjoying missionary work more than wanting to be at home then I'll be okay", " The MTC food is good, it's not UCLA but it's good" and "I've been the MTC for two days and I already feel like I know it REAL well". I guess Daniel was a litttle worried because there is a district going to Brazil there who are all waiting for their visas to come in. They all thought it would only take a week and they have been there for 7 weeks. I think Daniel will be okay because the women who arranges it all was gone or something and now she is back and they are hoping to get everyone out of there as soon as they can. Anyway, Hank says he seems to be doing just fine. Here is picture of his companion.