Sunday, May 30, 2010

Glasses, strawberries and smiles.

Sam loves pulling glasses off Grandma Marty's face. Well one day Marty put her glasses on Sam and he was as happy as all can be.Of course when the picture was taken he seemed otherwise. I thought it was post-worthy.

We tried again the next day with much more success.

Hehehe...what a nerd. He looks like a rabbit with those teeth.

Moving on to the actual substance of this post; Hank's sister was down for a couple weeks with her two girls and we did all sorts of fun stuff including a visit to the Underwood Family Farms. Sam is feeling pretty cool being in the wagon with his cousins.

Hay is fun to stand on. We also saw many animals and played in a play pit and did all sorts of cool things, but I don't have many pictures of those things...just the hay. Oh well.

The main event was wandering aimlessly for strawberries the pick. We finally discovered them after some direction was given. It was a trek out to the patch but oh was it worth it. Sam is concentrating very hard on enjoying the strawberry's delectable flavor.

It took some convincing to get the girls to wait until we bought the strawberries before eating them. Here we are enjoying our spoils. Sam and I were covered in red for the rest of the day.

Sam's new thing is this smile. I have decided to encourage this behaviour by giving him whatever he wants when he does it. I feel good about my decision.

I love you too, bud.


Kika VilaNova said...

aw he is SO CUTE! you all have way too much fun there :)

ps- your hair is growing!

secwalker said...

I love your posts, I wish you posted every single day :)

Will & Cheyenne said...

So cute~!!!