Sunday, May 29, 2011

Puzzles, motorcycles, paint and fairs

So I needed to get something done and so I threw a few three part people puzzles on the coffee table to get Sam occupied. I literally come back 20 seconds later and all fours puzzles are complete and he is placing them size by size. You draw your own conclusions... yes I know, he's amazing.

What could be better than a safety fair?!! Police cars, motorcycles, fire trucks, ambulances and any other vehicle you can think of come together to show case and show off. I don't think Sam could have expressed himself any better than what this picture captured.

Bliss, pure bliss. The only sad part was we made late in the day and a lot of the venders and vehicles were packing up. Next year no other plans will be made on this day.

This is one of our favorite activities. I really suggest it to anyone who has a toddler. It's so easy and despite how it looks, it's not that hard to clean up. Spill water on the floor and add food coloring or water colors. Keep a wet cloth nearby so when it splashes everywhere you can easily wipe it off. Sam loves swirling all the colors around. It's a great way to learn how colors mix. We took his cars and drove them in the water to make cool designs, we uses brushes and painted ourselves, and it was fun having a "big helper" wipe it up when we were done. Oh gosh, I love it so much I'll have to do it again tomorrow!

I live in the best community. Every month the mall puts on a family event where the kids get a free craft and snack. There is always a theme as well. This week was music and movement.After spending quite a while lifting and lowering the parachute on the kids, they rounded them up and trying bouncing a ball on top. Sam would not get out form under the parachute despite my various tactics. Fortunately the lady in charge sympathized with my dilemma and we all went back to lowering and lifting. I think all the kids had more fun with that activity anyway.

This is always his expression after one of theses events.

Sacramento County Fair. Here is the rundown: more life stock than your nose can handle and barely any community displays or commercial venders. I think it gets the shaft because the State Fair is in the same place. I was unaware how much people like their farm animals around here.

This is a great picture because Sam isn't troubled by the crocodile but instead wants the ice cream the unseen girl in front of him is enjoying.

Thank goodness for pink tractors.I think that made up for the lack of blue ribbon cookies and hand sewn quilts.


Heather Melo said...

How much fun you guys have together! Alicey told me that when we go to Grandma's house, Leah always comes over, opens her arms up wide, and gives me a BIIIIIG hug!

whitney said...

You are seriously the funnest mom ever. I've been doing the whole mommy thing for 5 1/2 years now and I've done nowhere near as many cool things as you. Water colors on the floor?! So, so fun.

Michael + Anna Costa Photographers said...

OMG Sam is getting soooooo big I can't believe it! He looks like a little man now....I happy and sad right now... :) Love you guys! xoxo