Sam really got into the festivities...as you can tell.

Christmas Eve was at my parent's place. We made Swedish food (it's our tradition to make a meal from different parts of the world). Here I am with my mom and sisters.

Christmas morning with his cousins Alicey and Calvin. Olivia his other cousin is somewhere around there too...just not in this picture.

He certainly enjoyed his new presents!

But I think he liked the wrapping paper better!

The monday after Christmas my family went on a little adventure. Our first stop was Bridlewood vineyard.

Such a good lunch overlooking the vineyard, so beautiful.

My nice family...they had stables there. Sam liked the horses as you can probably imagine.

He hates the car though. Luckily he had his silly Aunts to cheer him up...though he looks less then impressed with their efforts in this picture.

I am blanking on the name of this mission, but that was our next stop. Sam had a HUGE explosion and I forgot to bring an extra diaper with me. There also wasn't anywhere to change him. So between Anna, Bethany and I we managed to strip off his soaked oneies and wrap it around his bum to serve as a temporary diaper. This was all done in mid-air since there wasn't anywhere to lay him down. The cute part is that Sam was perfectly content during the whole process. needless to say I don't think I got out as much as I could have from the mission's history.

We just kept going up the coast until we hit Solvang. We had such a fun time looking at the all the shops and eating Danish pastries. We ended our adventure at Anderson's pea soup Resturant. I had so much fun with my family and doing things that were remisenant of my childhood, that I would say that trip was probably more fun than Christmas. I think Sam agrees.

Sam is such a mellow kid. We went babysitting the other night and one of the girls brought out the pet bird and rat. We set them on Sam to see what he would think and as usual, he was fine with the whole thing. He just got scared when we started laughing really loud.

New Year's was a blast. We did the annual game night which occurs at my in-laws every year. Sam and his cousin are having their own game night. Alicey is 3 and got to stay up extra late. She was my super helper all night. What a darling girl. I feel bad I don't have very many pictures of my husband's family. They all came down for the holidays and we had so much fun with them. Sam and I really get a kick out his cousins. They are all so cute!

Look who is growing! He doesn't crawl at all yet, not at all, not even close, so not interested. He likes to sit and when a toy rolls away, he looks at it and then find something else to play with. He is strong though as you can tell from above picture. He can hold himself up when we put him up against something. He is so interested in investigating everything. He also is finally getting his first two teeth. They are just barely coming up now, which mean hes a little less agreeable then usual. What an amazing kid! Don't you agree?!!