Here are pictures of my family on Hank's side. Everyone came up to Utah for some different events: Trevor and Lindsay's (Hank's brother and sister-in-law) baby blessing, labor day and Birthdays. It was a really fun weekend and I thought it blog worthy.

It was my Father-in-Law's 60th Birthday. We had a luau, that why we are all wearing islandy clothes and also why we are all so kissy.

It was my niece's Birthday party as well, she is two and thought she needed lots of kisses as well.

This is Hank's brother Trevor and his wife Lindsay. They were in central California all summer doing an internship with Microsoft which Trevor now has a job at! They have this little baby who is just so cute, his name is Calvin.

The middle one is Hank's friend Spencer who is getting married in a couple months, he was the best man at our wedding. All three of these guys have been friends for a very long time.

Alicey waiting to open up all her presents. She only speaks Portuguese, it's so cute.

Marty sang this beautiful Hawaiian song for Sam for his Birthday and Summer played the guitar. It was all about love and was just so touching.

I think my husband is cute so I am posting him.