So I haven't updated in a while because it has been so so fun and busy around here. Like I said in my last post Hank's sister Leah has been down with her Husband and two kids. Hank and I have been spending all the time we possibly can with them. It is sad because they left last week and we miss them so much :( We have had family visits from every side and angle since they arrived, so it's strange to have everything back to normal now. Hank and I have been having fun though and that is why I need to update!

Sam is getting so big. He will be 5 months on Thursday! He just had his overdue 4 month appointment. He is 16.5 pounds and 22.5 inches. He laughs and smiles all the time and he can roll over now. He is AMAZING!!

Dado and Grandma (Hank's grandparents on his Dad's side) came for a week. We were having pancakes at the beach when this picture was taken. I couldn't resist. Grandma was so cold.

Same is having some special time with his great-grand parents.

Henry junior with Henry the fifth.

Like I said we were so sad to see them go. This is Martin, Leah's husband and their son Oliver. Look how fun they are to have around!

To make ourselves cheer up after Leah and Martin left, we went to Disneyland again. Sam is enjoying some quality time with Bethany (my sister) and Summer (Hank's sister).

Disneyland has been a regular event this summer as well as going to the beach. This last time Hank made a throne for Sam.

Sam chilling in his throne.

I visited Hank at his work at Cheesecake Factory and discovered that Sam is big enough to fit into one of their high chairs. Look how proud he is!