Monday, November 15, 2010

A Wonderful Visit

I felt very blessed this weekend because my parents came to visit. It was short visit but very satisfying. Here are the highlights.
We spent the morning at a bird sanctuary and nature preserve. My mom has recently discovered her true passion in life which is identifying plants in the Santa Monica Mountains. I think she was having a blast comparing north to south at the perserve. I know my dad enjoyed himself because he said it would be a perfect place to paint and that next time they come up we should just drop him off there for a couple hours. Sam also enjoyed himself as there were a few bridges, lots of rocks and puddles. All in all it was a big hit.
Here we are looking at an Madiu Indian grinding spot. It was pretty cool. The whole time my parents were here Sam keep pointing at them and yelling. He obviously knows who they are and probably is wondering why they aren't around as much as they used to be.
Our next venture was to Auburn where we had lunch downtown and enjoyed the scenery of this little historic town. We found a museum that talked all about the gold rush and how Auburn came about. I love that I live in such a historic area. My mom's other passion is history so needless to say this was also a big hit.
Sam amazes me everyday. He sees no reason why he can't play on the playground equipment like every other big kid. He is now climbing ladders, swinging on bars, balancing on balance beams and basically climbing up and down on everything no matter the height. He is really quite talented and I often find myself in awe of his playground abilities.
In case you were wondering his hair still disappears when it gets wet.


secwalker said...

thanks for the pictures Leah! So fun to see Sam hanging like that.

whitney said...

yay! for a fun family visit! Love that picture of Sam hanging...he's getting so big!