I am usually such a consistent blogger but this pregnancy has really taken it's toll. The big news is that we went in for the 20 week ultra-sound. Here is what happened: the ultra-sound technician was really dim. I could barely understand anything he said. He seemed nice enough but should probably not have a job where he is interacting with pregnant women. He was so focused on getting measurements and the right picture he barely explained what was going on. I felt like I was getting my leg x-rayed, not having the ultra-sound to see my growing baby! Then I felt like my world came to a crashing halt. I am measuring at 16 weeks not 19 weeks. The technician told us it was too early to tell the sex. I felt pretty disappointed after that. It is difficult for me to feel sick constantly and to know that I have to go through it a month longer than I thought is a bit discouraging. I have to admit I am feeling much better now but at the time I was doubled over with sickness probably from the disappointment. Here are some pictures...it is an absolute miracle that my body is creating this.
I told a friend about my experience and she said if I am really anxious to know the sex of the baby I should go to another ultra-sound technician who will tell you the sex as early as 16 weeks. So that is exactly what I did. Hank and I were just thrilled about the whole experience. Her office was comfortable with a big screen TV displaying the imaging. She was kind, friendly and could tell the sex right away (it was a bit obvious). We smiled, laughed and got teary eyed. I told Hank from now on we are having our own 16 week ultra-sound before we do any other ultra-sounds. Maybe I am picky but that experience really helps me get excited about my pregnancy and so it better be a good one! So now are you ready to know?
Those are cars PJ's. We bought them right after we found out, a little tradition. I am beside myself with joy. I am going to have two little boys! This is one of those times where I love modern day technology. Happy day!
Family Update 2024
3 months ago