Saturday, December 18, 2010

My Sock Doll Project

I've been slowly but surely trying to make our apartment a nice place to live. I love Sam's room the most. Hank's cousins lent me a book on how to make sock dolls and I really had fun with it.  I got some shelves on sale and decoupaged them to match. I made the "I am a Child of God" panel a while ago and was starting to dislike it, so I put it away.  It seemed to fit in with the ragginess of the dolls so I think it has found a place again. I am not a perfectionist and so everything I do has a million mistakes, but these dolls look really interesting and fun to me that way.


What matters most is that Sam likes it. This is the expression he gets when he spots a stuffed animal. He's in a stage right now where little, soft things are really cute. My favorite is when he sees a toddler his age and starts cooing at them. He definitely coos at his new sock dolls and that makes me feel good.


whitney said...

They turned out so cute! I'm definitely impressed!

Heather Melo said...

Wow, Leah, you are so creative! Though that doesn't surprise me at all! Very cute! But Sam's still cuter! Love his smile!